Part of The HIHU Multiverse, The EMA Network was originated by members of Jack Brewer’s Second Chance Program at GEO’s SBCRF. Our journey began during the 2022 holiday season when a group of individuals wore brought together by then Facility Administrator, Ms. Sink, to create a winter wonderland-themed event. This event showcased the incredible work of Timothy’s Gift, a non-profit organization that creates concert experiences for inmates.
Over the course of two weeks, our dedicated team collaborated to produce the first-ever musical event hosted at GEO Second Chance Center. The event was a resounding success and ignited the creative imagination of our team. By January 2023, we had the privilege of hosting FOX News and Friends at our center, where Jack Brewer personally provided a tour. Throughout the year, our team continued to host multiple guests and activities, showcasing our growing expertise in production.
The invaluable experiences we gained transformed us into professionals who consistently strive to produce high-quality productions. Thus, the brainchild of this extraordinary production team, The EMA Network, was born. Our network provides resources, a platform, and connections that allow inmates to inspire others through the therapeutic nature of art, music, storytelling, and telecommunications.
Together, we aim to change public perception of those who are deprived of their freedom by changing the narrative. Rather than being seen as individuals who take from society, EMA will show that these individuals are valuable assets that give back to the community. showcasing the talent, resilience, and creativity that exists within correctional facilities EMA will amplify these voices promoting their positive impact and fostering a greater understanding of the potential for inner growth through rehabilitation.
We firmly believe that art has the power to heal, transform, and empower individuals. Our mission is to provide the necessary resources and support to inmates, empowering them to inspire other inmates through their creative expressions. Through our platform, inmates can become catalysts for positive change and contribute to society in meaningful ways.
Thank you for joining us on this incredible journey of redemption, empowerment, and creativity. Together, let us challenge stereotypes and create a brighter future for all.