Powered by The HIHU Multiverse, The EMA Network will seek to create a partnership with GEO Group to create an evidence-based telecommunications program. The EMA Network is a faith-based platform created by Alumni of SBCRF. Its mission is to empower and equip soon to be returning citizens with skills and training in the field of telecommunications. The project will create a platform that allows residents to create original content that can be shared with the community.
The EMA Network will seek to raise the funds for the creation of the project. The funds will be used to provide the resources needed for the creation of the partnership with GEO Group. The partnership will utilize GEO’s Second Chance Centers as Studios for The EMA Network in a pilot run of five years.
Each year of the partnership will cost The EMA Network $249,000 and will produce yearly a minimum of 1,144 video episodes and 2,036 episodes of podcast.
The center at SBCRF will be consider The EMA Networks Headquarters.
Following evidence-based results of other similar programs across the country, The EMA Network aims to create the first program originated by inmates that allows inmates to create original content for the community and other inmates. Other programs around the nation have been originated by individuals in the community but this will be the first program to be originated by inmates. It will enhance GEO’s image as a company that aims at protecting society through its effort of rehabilitating its residents.
After the conclusion of the pilot, The EMA Network will analyze the data to continue the project and or to expand it to other GEO Second Chance Centers by providing future grants to the partnership.
Starting cost first year
Director $70,000
Supplies (Computer, Sound etc) $150,000
Food Ingredients for Cooking series $100,000
Studio Development props/sets $50,000
Other supplies (paper, pens etc) $20,000
Total Starting Cost: $399,000
Yearly cost
Director $70,000
Food Ingredients for Cooking series $100,000
Studio Development props $50,000
Other supplies (paper, pens etc) $20,000
Total Yearly Cost: $249,000