Meet the Media Giant Housed Inside a Missouri Prison

Tucked into two storage rooms in the gym of Eastern Reception, Diagnostic and Correctional Center in Bonne Terre, Missouri, a small group of prisoners maintains a closed-circuit TV network that delivers bespoke television programming to ERDCC’s roughly 2,700 residents. The smaller of these concrete rooms contains two folding tables, three office chairs and three desktop […]

Offender made media giving back to society one project at a time JEFFERSON CITY – A select number of inmates at Jefferson City Correctional Center have been managing their closed-circuit cable channels for over 30 years. However, it’s a little known fact that the inmates now have an in-house media production studio. It’s called Jeff Town Productions, and since 1986 the program has evolved from having […]

Prison Network Broadcasting System This article describes the development and operation of the Marion Correctional Institution’s (MCI’s) Prison News Network (PNN) Broadcasting Program, a closed-circuit video television station operated as a component of the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction’s (ODRC) educational apprenticeship program. Abstract PNN was established in 1991 and produced its first video show, “Communicable Diseases […]